"Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you." (CEV)
What is God saying?
Because Jesus has patiently forgiven us, this is how we are to treat others.
What is God saying to us today?
Most all of us run out of patience at one point or another - our coworker gets on our last nerve, our child will not go to bed/sleep, our neighbor blasts loud music all night. More than that, some people intentionally wrong us - friends betray, spouses cheat, neighbors steal. Yet being a follower of Christ, means just that: we are to follow His example. Perhaps the most amazing thing about Jesus is that there is no end to His patience with us and no limit to His forgiveness!
What is God inviting us to do?
Are you holding onto a grudge today? God invites us to let go of the wrongs people have done to us in our past and stop focusing on the annoying things they are doing to us now. Instead, we should focus on the example that Christ gave us and extend the forgiveness we've received from Him flow to others around us.