Tracy Adventist Church


Matthew 28:19

"Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." (CEV)

What is God saying?

God commands His followers to actively make more disciples who chose to dedicate their lives to Him through baptism.

What is God saying to us today?

Sometimes being a follower of God is challenging not because of Satan's attacks or the world's ridicule, but because of what God calls us to do. Jesus makes it clear that part of following Him means that we are to get more people to follow Him - and this might seem almost impossible to some of us. We like the comfort and safety of our religious routine (going to church, prayer meeting, Bible studies, etc.), but the idea of stepping outside of that and actively trying to "recruit" new Christians is scary. Yet, this is what we are commissioned to do. The good news is that God doesn't just tell us to go do something challenging and forget about us - when He tells us to do something, He also gives us the ability to do it!

What is God inviting us to do?

When is the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone for God? He invites us to step out in faith and trust that He will strengthen and encourage us all along the way.

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