"You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." (NIV)
What is God saying?
God teaches His followers how to live lives of joy and pleasure.
What is God saying to us today?
Some Christians have developed a reputation for living lives that are extremely unappealing to non-Christians. Others see them as ultra serious, opposed to fun, and generally standoffish. Unfortunately, many non-Christians get this picture of God from these Christians that are so focused on following God's path that they forget that His path leads to joy and pleasure. Who wants to spend an eternity in a place that's not fun or enjoyable? Sure there are times when we have to be serious. And as Christians we have to find our joys and pleasures in God's ways and not the world's ways. But ultimately, when we follow God's path for our life, we are going to have the best life possible now and eternally.
What is God inviting us to do?
Does following God's path sound boring and tedious? God invites us to follow the plan He has for our lives, because He created us and knows what will ultimately bring us joy and pleasure.